Cold Brew Box- The Frequent Flyer

Cold Brew Box- The Frequent Flyer

$9.99 every 2 weeks

About the Box

The cold brew box provides one cold brew bag that makes 36-40oz of delicious coffee man cold brew. That works out to be $1.33 a serving for any flavor of your choice.

About the Subscription

You like your cold brew, but once a week is just too often for a new box. Being a Frequent Flyer means you’ll get a cold brew box once every two weeks. This will give you enough energy to keep you flying around to the places and people that need you.

Note: Shipping added on at Checkout


+ What is Cold Brew Coffee?

It's sweeter and smoother coffee – Because the coffee grounds aren't exposed to high temps, cold brew coffee usually tastes more flavorful and less bitter. We add fruits and spices to make unique flavors!

+ Why is this more expensive that "regular coffee"?

Even though Coffee Man Cold Brew looks and tastes like familiar coffee, it is completely different. In fact, it’s similar to a craft kombucha or beer .

And at $1.50 per serving, it’s far cheaper than other coffee options!

+ How much coffee will one bag make?

Each cold brew bag can each make 32oz of cold brew.

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