Eyes in the Sky- Whole Bean

Eyes in the Sky- Whole Bean


Eyes in the Sky. This is our most complex coffee to date!

Due to the altitude, region, and processing this coffee is almost like a tropical explosion. After the coffee is picked it’s left to ferment (natural process) so that the flavors can grow and transform.

The farmer even compares this coffee to a Geisha due to it’s similarity in leaves and flavor profile. But we’ll let you decide that for yourself :)

**This coffee is always roasted as a light-medium roast for best quality & taste

The Nitty Gritty

Farm: Finca Monteblanco

Region: Huila, Columbia

Altitude: 1730 MASL

Process: Natural

Varietal: Pink Bourbon

Farmer: Rodrigo Sanchez Valencia

Notes: Juicy, Tropical, Tangy

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The Farmer- Rodrigo Sanchez Valencia