Brazil- Rainforest Coffee Surprise

Brazil- Rainforest Coffee Surprise


Rainforest Coffee Surprise. Hope you can guess who inspired this name :)

We roast this coffee every Tuesday in Kennesaw, GA. We guarantee that it’ll be roasted fresh, but ready to drink as soon as it arrives on your door. Just grind (or don’t), brew, and enjoy however you like it.


We source these beans directly from the Cerrado region in Brazil. No middle men to take margin which ensures that coffee farmers and farm hands are paid fairly for their hard work.

The Nitty Gritty (if you’re into that stuff)

Region: Cerrado

Altitude: 1200 MASL

Process: Natural

Varietal: Mundo Novo

Farmer: Veve Costa

Notes: Chocolatey & Sweet with medium body and low acidity

Roast Level:
Ground or Whole Bean:
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